It takes a village...thank you for your continued support


Our mission is to support programs and events that enhance educational opportunity at the school and to foster ties between the school and the broader community.

How we do it

Our budget is funded by an appropriation from the Town, donations and fundraising. Fundraising is key to our success financially but it also helps to build a community relationship. Without volunteer help our events would not be possible.

join us!

All parents, guardians and community members are welcome to join and participate. This Organization of events takes “people” power and the more we have the better...let us know if you can attend meetings, or just show up.

Volunteers that can fill in here and there or donate baked goods are just as important. Join our Facebook group for volunteer opportunities or reach out to stay involved.

Our meeting dates/times for the 2023-2024 school year will be announced soon!

We always welcome new members and ideas! If you have questions you can contact us via email at: or on Facebook at "Friends of WES" (NOTE: this social media page is not affiliated with or managed by OSSU or Woodbury Elementary)

Fundraisers and Events


  • Mini Photo Sessions
  • Thanksgiving Pie Sale
  • Bottle Drive
  • Town Meeting Cafe

Sponsored Events/Activities

  • Back to School -We purchase WES school shirts for every new student and staff member at the start of each new school year and then distribute them to welcome new members to WES.
  • Pumpkin Walk
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Four Winds Funding
  • Purchase Extra/Backup Clothing
  • Golden Dome Book Purchases
  • Annual Winter Workshop Last day before Winter Break
  • Ice Skating 
  • School equipment purchases
  • Winter Carnival Last day before February Break
  • Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week 
  • Summer Camp Scholarships
  • Field Day Last day of school before Summer Break