Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)

Our Statement of Purpose:

The mission of Hardwick Elementary’s PBIS team is to foster and promote a safe, equitable, and positive school environment that enhances student learning through teaching and recognizing positive behavior.

Our school-wide expectations are…

  • We are Respectful
  • We are Responsible
  • We are Safe

PBIS is a set of strategies and systems that enable our school to:

  • Create a culture of positive behaviors.
  • Teach and acknowledge positive behaviors.
  • Promote a safe learning environment and a “true sense of belonging” for all.

Bobcat PAWS

Students earn PAWS when they demonstrate positive behaviors of respect, responsibility, and/or safety. PAWS are tallied daily towards classroom & school wide celebrations.

Bobcat of the Week

Teachers acknowledge students weekly, who exemplify the school expectations. They are awarded a certificate and recognized on the Bobcat Bulletin board.

PBIS Celebrations

*School-wide celebrations: Spirit Week, Sledding at Hazen

*Classroom celebrations: Movie & Popcorn, Pajama Day, Board Game Day, Ice Cream Party, Camping in the Classroom, Extra recess, Stuffy Day, Smores

How can Parents Help?
  • Join Friends of HES PTO (call the office for more info 472-5411)

  • Participate in monthly PBIS Universal Meetings

  • Talk with your child about their day at school

  • Ask your child about how they met the school expectations

  • Model and commend expected behaviors

  • Acknowledge the importance of their earned paws

  • Celebrate their success!

  • Check out our parent brochure here