Enroll a Student

2025-2026 Registration is Open!
Click this link to learn more about registering your child for Preschool.
The Lakeview campus in Greensboro will provide the preschool program for the MVU District. The program will be full day, full week, for the 2025-2026 school year.

2025-2026 Registration is Open!
Click this link to learn more about registering your child for Kindergarten.
School Availability for 2025-2026:
Hardwick Elementary and Woodbury Elementary will provide K-6 programs.
The Lakeview campus will provide the preschool program for the MVU District and will not offer K-6 programs.
Students entering K-6 residing in Greensboro or Stannard can choose between Hardwick Elementary and Woodbury Elementary. These students do not need to complete the intradistrict school choice application. Parents or guardians should directly contact the chosen school’s administration to inform them of their choice. To coordinate a tour, please reach out any time!:
Hardwick Elementary Kindergarten Tour: Ashley Foster, Admin. Assistant @ 802.472.2599 or afoster@ossu.org
Woodbury Elementary Kindergarten Tour: Monique Beaudry, Admin. Assistant @ 802.472.5715 or mbeaudry@ossu.org
Tuition School Districts
Please visit the OSSU Tuition School District webpage for vouchers and information.