Woodbury Elementary Holds 2nd Annual Mock Town Meeting

Friday, February 23 was a throwback to 1762. That’s how long Vermont has been holding town meetings, and recently, Woodbury Elementary continued the tradition with their 2nd annual mock town meeting!

All students had the opportunity to express their opinions and wishes on two articles proposed for the coming academic year:

Article 1: Shall Woodbury Elementary School participate in Maple Tree-Tapping and Sewing as its two experiential learning activities? The alternative proposal was for the school to participate in Outdoor Carpentry and Cooking.

Article 2: Shall Woodbury Elementary School use the donated $300.00 to build a wooden bridge to cross the muddy spot on the path to the Outdoor Classroom? The alternative proposal was for the school to use the donation to purchase new soccer goals.

Through floor meeting/voice vote and through Australian ballot, students made their wishes known, voting for outdoor carpentry and cooking and the purchase of new soccer goals!

Facilitated by Stephen Murphy, Woodbury Town Moderator, and supported by many Woodbury Town Officials, students opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, and held a moment of silence in honor of community members who lost their lives during the past year. Teacher Dave Swanson accompanied his grade 3/4 class on guitar as they performed Mr. Swanson’s composition, “Town Government Song”.

Vermont Public covered mock town meeting and we anticipate that their story will air on March 4, 2024 during Vermont Edition. We’ll keep you posted!