On Friday, February 21, 2025, Woodbury Elementary brought democracy to life for even our youngest citizens at the school’s third annual Mock Town Meeting.
In the gymnasium, students from kindergarten through sixth grade debated two pressing matters for our school community: whether to invest in a tetherball set or disc golf equipment and whether to organize an end-of-year camp day to include fishing, swimming and hiking or a bowling trip. Students were allowed to ask questions of Principal Beth Parker before taking to the microphone to state their case for or against each article.
“I think that bowling would be better because there are no bugs at the bowling alley,” commented one fourth-grader. Another student preferred camp day since they had never been fishing before and wanted to learn how.
“I think the younger kids would like tetherball more since disc golf needs more precision,” said an older student, considering what might be best for the group.
After spirited debate and through both voice vote and Australian ballot, students made their wishes known, voting for tetherball and the camp day.
Facilitated by Stephen Murphy, Woodbury Town Moderator, and supported by many Woodbury Town Officials, students got a real hands-on civics education while working on their critical thinking, respectful listening, and public speaking skills.
Kudos, Woodbury Bears!